President George W. Bush sent this note after we presented him with STRIKING SILVER and BOYCOTT
Tom Caraccioli with President Bill Clinton
Tom presented President Clinton with a signed copy of STRIKING SILVER in Fall 2007. President Clinton graciously wrote back:
Thanks for the book. It is a story I didn't know but needed to.
Bill Clinton
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts honored the 1972 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team with a proclamation
Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney along with the authors and members of the 1972 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts declared Feb. 15 STRIKING SILVER Day in honor of the release of the book about the silver medal-winning 1972 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team. Then-Governor Mitt Romney presented the team with a citation and was, in turn, presented with an autograph copy of the book.
The "Forgotten Team" gathered with the authors at the Cottage in Lake Placid for a booksigning. Members included (Front l-r): Tom Mellor, Henry Boucha, Craig Sarner, Mike "Lefty" Curran. (Second row l-r) Stu Irving, Larry Bader, Murray Williamson, Ron Naslund, Dr. George Nagabods, Jerry Caraccioli, Tim Sheehy, Peter Sears, Tom Caraccioli, Bruce McIntosh. Missing from the photo but present at the event was Dick McGlynn, Jim McElmury, Wally Olds, Frank Sanders, Charlie Brown, Keith "Huffer" Christiansen, Robbie Ftorek and Mark Howe
Booksignings and other events
Coach Williamson and Jerry sign copies of STRIKING SILVER in Minneapolis-St. Paul
"The Boys of '72" gathered at a cocktail reception following a day of golf as the honorary chairmen of the Lake Placid United Way Olympian Golf Tournament
Olympic Hockey coaches (l-r) Murray Williamson ('68, '72), Jack Riley ('60), Tim Taylor ('94) and Lou Vairo ('84) gathered to celebrate Coach Riley's 90th birthday
'72 Coach Murray Williamson (center) joined the authors Jerry (left) and Tom (right) at Boston's Downtown Crossing Barnes & Noble booksigning
The authors, Tom (l) and Jerry (r) flanked '72 teammates Pete Sears and Mark Howe in Lake Placid.
Tom Mellor is flanked by STRIKING SILVER authors Tom and Jerry Caraccioli at their New York City booksigning.